Wireless Access

Laptop & Wireless Access

NCCU School of Law has an seamless integration of technology. It is therefore highly recommended that each student own a new or up-to-date laptop. A laptop will be vital for accessing Lecture Capture (Panopto), taking exams electronically (ExamSoft), and participating in distance education courses.

Financial aid may be used in some cases for the purchase of a new laptop. See the financial aid office for more details.

The follow are recommendations for laptops:

  1. MS Windows (PC) minimum specs:
  2. Processor: 1.5 Ghz Dual-Core Processor or greater
  3. Storage: 320 GB or larger
  4. RAM: 4 GB or more
  5. Operating System: Windows 7 or later

MacBook minimum specs:

  1. Processor: Core2Duo or later
  2. Storage: 160 or greater
  3. RAM: 2 GB or more
  4. Operating System: OS 10.6 and later

At this time, IPADS and Android Tablets are not recommended.

Wireless Access

NCCU School of Law has a wireless connection throughout the building that can accommodate more than 500 simultaneous users. Users are prompted to log into the network upon connecting to the internet. Students and faculty use their myEOL username and password.

Guests of NCCU School of Law should select the “guest access” option when prompted for a username and password.