Student Practice Certification Process

What is the rule? 

Formerly known as the 3L Practice Rule, the Student Practice Certification Rule, governed by the NC State Bar, allows law students the opportunity to gain legal experience through practice during law school. The student certification process is detailed in the Rules Governing the Practical Training of Law Students, 27 NC Admin. Code 1C, Sections .0200 through .0207.

The certification applies to law students in one of the following areas:

1. law school clinics,
2. externships (academic credit received) or
3. internships (no academic credit received)

who are working either in a law firm, governmental entity, or organization and will:

  1. Provide legal advice or services in matters governed by North Carolina law to eligible persons, or
    1. Eligible persons are defined under the rule as persons who are unable financially to pay for legal advice or services as determined by a standard established by a judge of the General Court of Justice, a legal services organization, government entity, or a clinical legal education program. (Rule .0202(b))
  2. Provide legal advice or services to government agencies outside the organization, entity, agency, or law firm or,
  3. Appear before any North Carolina tribunal or agency on behalf of an eligible person or a government agency. (Rule .0208(a))

Student Practice Certification & Internship Paperwork Online Request

Student practice certifications are processed through the Law School Legal Clinic. To streamline the process, all student practice certification requests internship paperwork requests should be submitted through our one-stop-shop online platform.

Students must complete the online form and upload the appropriate documents to the online platform. A list of the documents is available below as well as in the online application. Once the application is submitted, the Dean of Clinical Legal Education will complete the requested law school forms. The forms will be submitted directly to the NC State Bar or to the appropriate employer based on the request.

The appropriate documents must be completed and uploaded to the online platform. Emailed requests are not accepted. For questions regarding your request, please contact our Legal Clinic Paralegal, Gennell Curry

Student Practice Certification & Internship Paperwork Online Request

Student Certification Documents 

Law student certification requires the following forms:

  1. Law Student Certification (completed by law student)
  2. Supervising Attorney – Field Placement Certification (completed by supervising attorney)
  3. Non-Clinic Student Practice Certification Memorandum of Understanding (completed by both law student and supervising attorney(s) when internships are for NON-CLINIC placements.

Pathways to Practice Student Practice Certification Process

*Important note: If you are seeking certification through the Pathways to Practice I & II courses, these forms should be submitted through the Pathways to Practice Application form.

Once all required documents are received, the Pathways to Practice Professor along with the Associate Dean of Clinical Education will complete the law school certification form and submit the packet directly to the NC State Bar for final approval.


Out of State Student Certification

Each state bar sets rules to govern the process in certifying law students to gain practical experience in the practice of law. The rule provided above details the North Carolina State Bar process.

If you are seeking student practice certification in a state other than North Carolina, please visit the specific state bar website or contact the state bar directly to determine the process for certification. Please note, it is the responsibility of the law student and designated supervising attorney to ensure compliance with the state bar’s student practice certification rule(s).

When seeking law school approval for a state other than North Carolina, the law student will be asked to provide documentation of the state bar practice rule for that jurisdiction.

A state bar list along with website information has been provided for your convenience.  

Other Important Items 

  • While NCCU School of Law does not provide final approval of certification requests, the State Bar has asked us to assist in the process.
  • Both supervising attorneys and students are expected to have read the NC State Bar’s Rules Governing Practical Training of Law Students to ensure full compliance with the State Bar.
  • All certification forms are available for download at NC Bar Forms
  • If you have questions about the NCCU Law student certification process, please contact Director Lakethia Jefferies at  
  • If you have questions about the rules or specifics about the certification process, please contact the North Carolina State Bar directly at (919) 828-4620 or