Degree Programs

The J.D./M.L.S. and J.D./M.I.S. programs allow students who are interested in a career in law librarianship to simultaneously pursue a Juris Doctor degree and a Master of Library Science or Master in Information Science degree. These joint degree options are available to both Day and Evening Program law students. The programs require 24 semester hours of required and elective courses in the M.L.S/M.I.S. program and 88 semester hours of required and elective courses in the J.D. program. The program is structured to allow students to earn both degrees in less time than is required to earn each degree separately. Students interested in either of these programs must apply to both schools separately.

For further information, contact Professor Patrick Roughen of the School of Library and Information Sciences by e-mail proughen@nccu.edu or phone 919.530.5151 or Richelle Reid, Interim Law Library Director, by email rreid24@nccu.edu or phone 919.530.7711

The JD/MLS Dual Degree Program

The program is designed for students who wish to enter the field of law librarianship.

Admission Requirements

Admission to both the School of Law and the School of Library and Information Science are required. Students must apply to both schools separately and meet the standards and requirements set by each program. (LSAT score may be used in lieu of GRE for admittance to School of Library and Information Science) Students already enrolled in the Law School may apply for admission to the program no later than the end of their first year of law study (30 credit hours), and students already enrolled in the School of Library and Information Science may apply to the Law School no later than the end of their first year of MLS study (18 credit hours).

Program Requirements
JD/MLS – 103 combined credit hours. Twenty-four, required and elective, from the MLS program and 88, required and elective credit hours in the JD program. Nine credit hours of library science courses will meet the elective requirement for the law degree (79 law, 24 library science) While enrolled in the program, students must satisfy the academic requirements of each school as an incoming class.

J.D./M.L.S. Curriculum
(Courses available online and evenings.)

Core MLS classes (12 credit hours)-All students are required to take the following classes:
LSIS 5000 – Foundations of Librarianship and Information Services (3)
LSIS 5120 – Management and Systems Analysis (3)
LSIS 5225 – Selection and Use of Information Sources (3)
LSIS 5425 – Organization of Information (3)

Law Librarianship Module (9 credit hours)
LSIS 5580 – Government Publications (3)
LSIS 5210 – Law Library and Legal Information (3)-formerly Administration of Law Libraries
LSIS 5620 – Practicum (in the field of law librarianship) (3)

Recommended Elective courses (3 credit hours) *
LSIS 5140 – The Special Library/Information System (3)
LSIS 5160 – The Academic Library (3)
LSIS 5810 – Research Methods (3)
LSIS 5325 – Uses and Users of Information (3)

Required Law Elective
Advanced Legal Research (2/3)

*Student may take other electives with approval from advisor.

The J.D./M.I.S. Dual Degree Program

The program is designed to allow students to develop a deep technological understanding of the legal issues in the Information and Computer Technology industry and to learn about technology requirements in a law practice.

Admission Requirements

Admission to both the School of Law and the School of Library and Information Science are required. Students must apply to both schools separately and meet the standards and requirements set by each program. (LSAT score may be used in lieu of GRE for admittance to School of Library and Information Science) Students already enrolled in the Law School may apply for admission to the program no later than the end of their first year of law study (30 credit hours), and students already enrolled in the School of Library and Information Science may apply to the Law School no later than the end of their first year of MLS study (18 credit hours).

Program Requirements
JD/MIS – 103 combined credit hours. Twenty-four, required and elective, from the MIS program and 88, required and elective credit hours in the JD program. Nine credit hours of library science courses will meet the elective requirement for the law degree. (79 law, 24 library science) While enrolled in the program, students must satisfy the academic requirements of each program.

J.D./M.I.S. Curriculum
(Courses available online and evenings.)

Core MIS classes (12 credit hours)-All students are required to take the following:
LSIS 5475 Communications Science
LSIS 5171 Systems Analysis
LSIS 5451 Databases I
LSIS 5110 Information Policy

MIS Electives Students may select 4 electives
(12 credit hours) from the following clusters:

Technology as an Industry
LSIS 5010 Information Systems in Organizations
LSIS 5440 Data-mining and Management with SAS
LSIS 5460 Expert Systems and AI
LSIS 5610 Information Systems Projects
LSIS 5115 Intellectual Property
LSIS 5883 Graphical Representation
LSIS 5810 Research Methods
LSIS 5750 Special Topics (Digital Inclusion)
LSIS 5750 Special Topics (E-government)
LSIS 5620 Practicum

Systems Design and Implementation
LSIS 5120 Library and Information Center Management
LSIS 5442 Network Security
LSIS 5452 Databases 2
LSIS 5480 Telecommunications
LSIS 5610 Information Systems Projects
LSIS 5472 Advanced Networks
LSIS 5470 Network Protocols
LSIS 5385 Seminar in Human Factors
LSIS 5750 Special Topics (Digital Inclusion)
LSIS 5750 Special Topics (E-government)
LSIS 5620 Practicum

Required Law Elective
LAW 9700 Advanced Legal Research (2/3)