Technology Law & Policy Center

Developing practice ready, social justice and tech driven legal professionals.

Join us for the 2024 NCCU Law & Technology Symposium & Summit!

This one-day hybrid summit consists of a series of keynotes, presentations and panel discussions designed to examine issues and current developments in law and technology, including artificial intelligence, data privacy, cybersecurity, tech policy, legal services, and regulatory reform.

Intel Partnership

In 2021, in partnership with Intel Corporation, NCCU School of Law was awarded a five-million-dollar, five -year social equity grant that provides summer internships for law students at Intel Corporation, mentoring, networking and scholarship opportunities for students. In addition, the collaboration will provide students, faculty and staff connections with executives and other professionals at Intel as well as assist in eliminating the digital divide.

Program Overview

North Carolina Central University School of Law was founded to provide opportunities for African Americans to become lawyers. Embracing our heritage, our mission is to provide high-quality, personalized, practice-oriented, and affordable legal education to historically underrepresented students from diverse backgrounds to help diversify the legal profession. NCCU Law empowers its graduates to become highly competent and socially responsible lawyers and leaders committed to public service and meeting the needs of underserved communities. In fulfilling its mission, NCCU Law will help to create a more just society.


The mission of the North Carolina Central University (NCCU) Technology Law and Policy Center (TLPC) is to produce technology-conscious lawyers who will use technology in alignment with the Law School’s mission to (1) facilitate the efficient, effective, and ethical practice of law and (2) increase the access of legal information and services to underserved communities.

The legal technology and policy area is growing due to many factors, including the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Courts have had to shift to holding some court sessions virtually and have implemented technology to accommodate these shifts. Law firms are now implementing tech tools and automation to make the client experience more seamless. In addition, with advances in technology, newer areas of practice have emerged such as cybersecurity, privacy and artificial intelligence. This new legal landscape demands diverse legal practitioners with the knowledge and experience to accommodate the changing marketplace.

The NCCU TLPC develops diverse, practice ready tech-driven legal professionals. The TLPC seeks to facilitate meaningful technology-related policy discussions to ensure that technology law, regulations and technology implementation do not result in the further marginalization of the African American Community and are used to create a more just society. In addition, the TLPC is the only Historically Black College or University (HBCU) and only law school in the country with a Tech Law Center focused on technology disparities and social justice.

Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in the NCCU Law School Technology and Policy Center.  Please email the center below to more information!


Thank you for your interest in the NCCU Law School Technology and Policy Center.  Please email the center below to more information!


Thank you for your interest in the NCCU Law School Technology and Policy Center.  Please email the center below to more information!